Straight Orbit Solutions

Can a Landlord Cancel a Tenancy Agreement before It Starts Ontario

As a tenant in Ontario, it`s important to know your rights and responsibilities when it comes to renting a property. But what happens if your landlord decides to cancel your tenancy before it even begins? Can they legally do this?

The answer is yes, a landlord in Ontario can cancel a tenancy agreement before it starts, but only under specific circumstances.

The Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) in Ontario sets out the rules and regulations for both tenants and landlords. According to the RTA, a landlord can cancel a tenancy agreement if:

1. The landlord and tenant agree to cancel the agreement in writing before the tenancy starts.

2. The tenant provides false information on their rental application.

3. The tenant fails to provide required information, such as a security deposit or proof of income.

4. The tenant breaches the lease agreement before moving in, such as trying to sublet the rental unit without the landlord`s permission.

5. The rental unit is no longer available for rent due to unforeseen circumstances, such as a fire or flood.

If your landlord cancels your tenancy agreement before it starts, they must provide you with written notice of the cancellation and return any rental deposit or other payments you have made.

It`s important to note that a landlord cannot cancel a tenancy agreement based on discriminatory reasons, such as race, gender, or religion. If you believe that your landlord has cancelled your tenancy agreement for discriminatory reasons, you can file a complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Commission.

In conclusion, while a landlord can cancel a tenancy agreement before it starts in Ontario, they can only do so under certain circumstances outlined in the Residential Tenancies Act. As a tenant, it`s important to know your rights and responsibilities to ensure that you are protected in these situations.