Straight Orbit Solutions

International Social Security Agreement with Australia

International Social Security Agreement with Australia: What You Need to Know

If you are planning to move to Australia or have lived and worked in both Australia and another country, understanding the International Social Security Agreement (ISSA) with Australia can be essential. This agreement can influence your eligibility to receive social security benefits, and understanding its provisions can help you make informed decisions about your financial future.

In this article, we will explore the ISSA with Australia, including its purpose, eligibility criteria, and benefits.

Purpose of ISSA

The International Social Security Agreement is a reciprocal agreement between Australia and other countries that aims to provide social security coverage for people who have lived and worked in multiple countries. The ISSA promotes cooperation between countries to ensure that people who have contributed to social security programs in both countries can receive social security benefits, regardless of where they live.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for social security benefits under the ISSA with Australia, you must meet certain criteria, depending on the country you are coming from. Generally, to be eligible, you must have contributed to social security programs in both countries for a minimum period and meet the residence requirements in each country.

For example, if you are moving to Australia from the United States, you must have worked for at least six months in the US and paid social security taxes to be eligible for benefits under the ISSA. Similarly, if you are an Australian citizen moving to the US, you must have worked for at least ten years in Australia and paid social security taxes.


The ISSA with Australia provides several benefits to eligible individuals, including:

1. Portability of Benefits: If you have lived and worked in both countries and are eligible for social security benefits, the ISSA allows you to claim your benefits in either country, depending on your preference.

2. Reduction in Dual Coverage: Under the ISSA, if you are working in one country and paying social security taxes while receiving benefits from another country, the taxes paid in the country where you work can be credited towards your benefits.

3. Protection of Pension Payments: If you have lived and worked in both countries and are eligible for social security benefits, the ISSA protects your pension payments, ensuring that you receive your payments in the country where you reside.


Understanding the ISSA with Australia is essential for anyone who has lived and worked in multiple countries. This agreement provides social security coverage and benefits to people who have contributed to social security programs in both Australia and their country of origin. Before moving to Australia or another country, make sure to familiarize yourself with the eligibility criteria and benefits under the ISSA to ensure that you are protected and can receive the benefits you are entitled to.